Sunday, 17 November 2013

Summer Photos

 Leather Jacket - similar/sheinside
Skirt - primark 
Creepers - ebay 
Baseball tee - vintage 
Crop top - asos
Skirt - asos/similar
Photos that I took over the summer, sorry I haven't posted any pictures in a while but I guess I've been busy at college and things. I'm going to try and take more pictures and take my camera out more so hopefully have some more photos on here! :)

hope you like the post.


  1. Hello Summerfashiongrunge,

    I'm Valencia, the community manager of WhatIWear. I checked out your blog, and I think your style is awesome! It should be seen by more people! That's why I'd like to invite you to With 1,5 million page views a month, is the leading street style website in Asia. Plus, we're still growing, so it's perfect for rising fashionistas to have their chance to SHINE at the spotlight.

    Maybe you can post these pics as your first looks on WhatIWear? I bet our members will be rooting for you as well!

    We cannot wait to see your awesome style.
    Click to get started.

    See you soon,
    Community manager


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