Monday, 7 January 2013

Here Comes The Story Of The Hurricane

Ahh sorry that the first couple of pictures are blurry i cropped them sin hehe :') everything i'm wearing here is new stuff that i brought in the sales :3 hehe the shorts and the jacket are the best thing i've ever brought EVER! love the blazer more then anything at the moment hehe yay! <3 

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Photo Dairy 'Christmas'

Got a new camera for Christmas and here are just a few random shots a took :3 i had the best Christmas ever! i hope you did too! sorry i haven't in ages but the weather is just horrible and i cant get any nice shots inside :c i brought loads of new clothes from the sales, i brought the hat in the first pictures and the tartan legging which i love!! couple random shots of my face haha, i also got new creepers for Christmas yaayy! the last picture i took was taken on Christmas day, sorry for my naked face haha thanks for reading  <3 xx