Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Ramble On

Love this outfit super comfy and so are the creepers! :D


  1. you HAVE to tell me where your pants are from!
    this outfit is awesome :)

    and in terms of your pics is it the width your tryna change? you just have to make sure not to mess with the presets when you upload the pics and select 'x large' for each one when editing...that's what works for me, hope it helps :)

    jayj x.

    1. awhhh thanks :3 and yeahh they're from a site called romwe hehe

      and yeahh the width :) ermm this is probably stupid but what's presets? haha and i always crop them becasue of the background and whatever :/

    2. aah I've never shopped on romwe...thanks lol.

      yea cropping the picture messes up the presets. and presets is basically just how you upload the picture...so not tampering with the size or anything. because if you crop and expand it will pixelate then mess up the picture. so best thing I'd suggest is take the picture knowing you don't need to crop it...sorry, crappy news lol

      jayj x.

    3. yeahh i love romwe its awesome hehe :3

      and thanks for your help :D very kind of you and i've sorted it now sooo YAY!haha

      and i followed your blog hehe

      summer xoxo

  2. Those leggings are amazing and I'm not into creepers but THOSE are too cute!

    1. i know they're sooo awesome! i really need to wear them more hehe :3 and ahh that's good :D personally i love creepers haha


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